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Why You Should Have a Sales Process In Place

As simple as it sounds, sales people connect customers to the services or products that they need. However, this is never guaranteed. Even having great sales people within your team does not always guarantee sales success. One of the best ways to enhance the chances of sales being made is to adopt and to implement a successful sales process that is like a clear, step-by-step process that each sales person can follow.

Although there are normally loose guidelines and ways in which a sales process can and should flow, each sales process is normally tailored to each and every business. This is to ensure that the sales process fits inline with the products and services being sold, and also to ensure it fits with the customer’s needs.

If you would like us at C3 Sales and Consulting to write and implement a sales process for your business, be sure to get in touch with us. In the meantime, below are my top reasons as to why you should have a sales process in place:

Improves Strategies

When sales people follow the same processes, it is far easier to see which steps present challenges and which ones provide the best value. This can then be fed back to make improvements.

Increased Sales

It is proven that sales process lead to more sales – this is because sales people know exactly what to do, how to do it, and when.


By having a uniformed sales process, you can help to eliminate unnecessary steps and to fine-tune the selling and buying process.

Easier Training

It is far easier to train and onboard new sales people when there is a step by step process in place.


A good sales process will allow everyone to play by the same rules and each person within the team can then support one another, and as above, this will help new people get inducted far quicker.

Offer Guidance

Although having a structured sales process is highly effective at generating more sales, it is also important to remind team members to be creative where need be. The best sales processes in the world are more of a guide than they are a rigid road map.

Better Forecasting

One of the many challenges senior executives and management face is that of forecasting; knowing what, if any, sales are going to be coming in over a certain period of time. By having a clear sales process in place, it is far easier to understand workloads – both in a positive manner and a negative one too.

Happier Customers

Most importantly, many customers are often happier when they have gone through a clear sales process that has ticked off everything that they need. Customers will tend to feel that they know what is expected and may feel a little less pressure from a sales person if they feel that the rapport building stages of a sales process have been neglected.

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